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New septic tank system needed
 Started by  pipsqueak
 16 May 2009, 8:30 AM

I live in a small UK community with a shared septic tank which is slowly expiring. We need a new system and are most interested in anything which does not require electricity. Was wondering if anyone had any good experiences?
A reedbed system is not an option due to land restrictions.
So far we have been quoted around £15,000 including labour - which is a big burden for 10 households. Would anyone know if there are any UK grants towards this sort of thing? Thanks.
If you have space restrictions then you will need a bubblier unit which will need a small supply of electricity. You could set up some solar panels on the roof of an adjacent shed with a few batteries and an inverter to run the pump.
wastetech (Guest)
Unfortunately, the electricity required for a compressor or bubbler large enough for 10 households is around 1 Kwh and far too much to enable solar PV panels to power it economically. The bubbler is blowing 24 hours/day, even in winter, and solar powered sewage treatment is not an option - believe me, all the plant manufacturers have explored this.
The only non-electric sewage treatment plant in the UK is the Biorock. It uses natural air currents to aerate the sewage as it digests the pollutants in a dry, self-cleaning filter system, not an aquatic environment.
The amount of land you would need for it is 3.45 metres x 2 metres - much less than a reed bed.
I am afraid that there are no grants available for sewage treatment, though we are lobbying for them.

suzybee (Guest)
Have you looked at the Jewel sewage system? We have been quoted about £7500 for a 50 person system which is a lot less than £15,000?
Has anyone had experience of using the Biorock? Is it as good as the website suggests? We are looking at installing one.

Tommy (Guest)
Why don't you ask Biorock who has bought them? I'm sure they could put you in touch with someone local to you who has one?
The best system after very may years of experience is the Biopure on
This is not a forum for spam advertising. I presume that wayne.clarke is the same Wayne Clark who is with Knollands and who sells Biopure so it's not surprising that he recommends it. What we want are impartial posts - not free advertising for traders - shame on you.


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