How effective are different types of land cover for carbon sequestration? I asked this same question on LinkedIn and someone recommended that I ask on this forum.
I am currently volunteering for an organization out of North Berkeley, CA called Friends of Five Creeks (, a non-profit that restores and protects natural areas from natural and urban stresses. One of my projects is to create a 1-2 page educational handout explaining how different types of land cover, or the elimination of various types of land cover, might affect carbon storage. We have in mind something modest that would be relevant to our area in Northern California. For example, some data indicates that deep-rooted native grasses are as good as or better than forests -- can this be backed up locally, and under what conditions? The research that I am doing is, in a sense, a way to determine whether carbon sequestration with respect to different types of land cover is even a viable/worthwhile solution for Friends of Five Creeks to pursue.
Send your knowledge, advice, and recommended publications/experts!