The construction arm of Green Building Store - Green Building Company - has been building what has come to be known as ‘the Denby Dale Passivhaus’ - the first certified Passivhaus in the UK to be built using traditional British cavity wall construction. Bill Butcher and Chris Herring report
This is a five page article. First published in June 2010
Built for private clients in Denby Dale, West Yorkshire, the project is a 118m2, 3 bedroom detached house, built to a tight budget of £141k. It received its Passivhaus certification at the end of April, one of the first 3 projects to go through the Passivhaus certification process with Pete Warm of WARM: Low Energy Building Practice.
The Passivhaus diaries
The project has already attracted much attention throughout its build, in part due to our Passivhaus Diaries blog about the project. Following every stage of the build, the blog attempts to provide an accessible, technical guide to...
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