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Worthing eco homes open for the first time
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Eco houses in Worthing have been open to the public for the first time this weekend. The event has been organised by eco open houses, the Low Carbon Trust, Transition Town Worthing and Brighton Permaculture Trust.
Worthing eco homes open for the first time

Rainwater storage tanks at Henry House

The scheme offers free public access to buildings which have been designed or modified to become environmentally-friendly. They have varying features but one thing in common- lower energy and water bills and more heat-efficiency during the winter.

One of the properties on show is Henry House in Heene Road, a home and a clinic which includes a hot hydrotherapy pool.

Owner Karen Simporis has installed three condensing boilers, grey water recycling, food cultivation, low energy appliances and lighting, rain water harvesting and solar PV planels since she moved in almost 20 years ago.

She said: “I have always had an interest in ecology and I wanted to implement green initiatives as much as possible both to keep the costs down with the business so that our service users paid less and to do our bit for the environment.

“The first thing we did was the rain water collection and the grey water recycling, which cost £1,765 and £1,513 respectively and we made our money back quickly there.

“This has made a fantastic difference to our lives and we hope that we can provide information for other people.”

Misha Hewitt, project manager for the Low Carbon Trust, said: “People in Worthing are doing lots of good things and the message for people is that it is very easy to save money, live in a warm home and help the planet all at the same time. These are real houses with real people living in them and it is about showing what can be done.”

Pauline Cory of Worthing Transition Town, encouraged everyone to play their part for the environment.

“This sort of event is really important and I think a lot of people have been surprised that this is happening in Worthing,” she said “We have a sister town just along the coast that gets all the accolades for green stuff but we are doing an amazing job too but nobody knows about it.”

Brochures for the trail were available from St Paul’s Centre, Beechwood Hall Hotel, participating cafes and the library. Hopefully the event will be held again next year with even more homes on display.

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